bet36365体育 One-Handed Woodwinds Program

On May 9, 2024, Dr. David Nabb receives a check from the bet36365体育 NAfME (National Association for music Education) Chapter.
On May 9, 2024, Dr. David Nabb receives a check from the bet36365体育
NAfME (National Association for music Education) Chapter. Thanks to all the Collegiate NAfME chapters who played a role in this year’s fundraiser including (Chadron Sate, Concordia, Doane, Hastings, Midland, NWU, Peru State, bet36365体育, UNL, UNO, and Wayne State).

Without music, life would be a mistake. - Friedrich Niezche

The mission of the bet36365体育 (University of Nebraska at Kearney) One-Handed Woodwinds Program is to make one-handed woodwind instruments available to individuals with permanent disabilities.

The bet36365体育 One-Handed Woodwinds Program was created in 2001, when David Nabb returned to university teaching with a Bundy Prototype Toggle-Key saxophone built by Jeff Stelling. David Nabb used this saxophone until his current instrument (a Yamaha YAS 875) had been converted to the Toggle-key mechanism in 2003.

The following news stories highlight the bet36365体育 One-Handed Woodwinds Program:

bet36365体育 News:

The Gift of Music: Lincoln girl receives one-handed saxophone through bet36365体育 programclaire-bahensky-2.jpg


Teaching Music October 2021

image of a magazine page showcasing the One Handed Woodwinds program

Saxophone Magazine featuring One handed Wind Instruments

Without Music my life was meaningless. So I found my rhythm again.


The July - August 2011 issue of the Journal of the National Association of the Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians featured a cover photo and article about the toggle-key saxophone:

Napbirt Technicom Magazine

Other Articles:

Halftime Magazine - November/December 2008

Lincoln Journal Star - August 18, 2013